Local Programs
Animal Science
Livestock (beef, sheep, and swine) and poultry account for approximately 48 percent of the gross revenue generated in the agricultural sector of Virginia's economy. Additionally, the livestock and poultry industries provide a ready market for many of the feed crops produced in Virginia. For the livestock and poultry enterprises to remain economically viable and sustainable, they must use a systems approach to decision-making that integrates science-based principles in the areas of animal care and management (including health, nutrition, parasites, facilities), the environment (including animal waste disposal), and food quality and safety. Forages (hay, pasture, and silage) are the primary source of nutrition for beef cattle and sheep, as well as horses and goats. Forage quality and quantity can have significant impacts upon cost of production. Effective management alternatives that enhance profitability and sustainability are presented through producer clinics, workshops, on-farm meetings, field days, seminars, fact sheets, and newsletters that deal with methods to improve production efficiency and marketing strategies.
Engaging with Communities
Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:
- Leadership & Planning
- Community Enterprise and Resiliency
- Community Food System and Enterprises
- Community Planning
- Emerging Community Issues
Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.
Do you have a question about Community Viability?
Perhaps one of the Community Viability specialists below can help you. Contact a Community Viability specialist or direct a question to them using our Ask an Expert system.
Community Viability Specialists
4-H Community Clubs in Botetourt County - come and join!
What is a 4-H Community Club?
It is a group of boys and girls interested in learning about a specific topic or a general interest that meets once a month in the evening. Depending on events and special club projects 4-H members may meet more often. 4-H is open to all boys and girls ages 9 to 18, as of September 30 of the current year. Limited opportunities for boys and girls ages 5 to 8 are available, see 4-H Cloverbuds brochure below.
For more information on each 4-H club, click below. If you are interested in joining one of our 4-H Community Clubs or have an interest in other 4-H opportunities, please contact Tyler H. Painter, Botetourt 4-H Extension Agent for more information, tpaint85@vt.edu or (540) 473-8260.
Learn baking & cooking skills along with nutrition and healthy food choices
For Boys and Girls ages 5 – 19 as of September 30th, of the 4-H current year
Provide you the opportunity to:
- Learn baking and cooking skills - how to measure, using kitchen tools and gadgets, prepping food, food safety, nutrition, and much more under the leadership of adult volunteers.
- Increase your knowledge
- Learn new skills
- Belong to a club
- Be a club officer
- Make new friends
- Gain leadership skills
- Learn to work together
- Take 4-H projects related to Foods and Nutrition and other topics
- Practice and improve your skills
- Participate in local, district, state, and national competitions
- Participate in special 4-H programs
- Build self-confidence and a positive attitude
- Learn to set realistic goals and strive to achieve them
- Become more responsible
- Improve public speaking and communication skills
- Learn to manage time and other resources
Learn about Honeybees, manage hives safely, & collect honey!
For Boys and Girls ages 9 – 19 as of September 30th of the current year
Provide you the opportunity to:
- Learn the safe handling of honeybees and their hives under competent leadership of trained adult volunteers.
- Increase your knowledge
- Learn new skills
- Belong to a club
- Be a club officer
- Make new friends
- Gain leadership skills
- Learn to work together
- Take 4-H projects related to Beekeeping Education and other topics
- Practice and improve your skills
- Participate in special programs
- Build self-confidence and a positive attitude
- Learn to set realistic goals and strive to achieve them
- Become more responsible
- Improve public speaking and communication skills
- Learn to manage time and other resources
- Receive awards for your effort
Have FUN!
Learn all about horses: safe handling, horse judging, hippology and more!
For Boys and Girls Ages 5 – 19 (as of September 30th)
Provide youth the opportunity to:
- Learn all about horses: safe handling, horse judging, hippology and more! All under the competent leadership of specially trained adult volunteers.
- Increase your knowledge of horses
- Learn new skills
- Belong to a club
- Be a club officer
- Make new friends
- Gain leadership skills
- Learn to work together
- Take 4-H projects related to Horses and other topics
- Practice and improve your skills
- Participate in local shows and the VA State Horse Show
- Participate in 4-H field trips related to the study of horses
- Build self-confidence and a positive attitude
- Learn to set realistic goals and strive to achieve them
- Become more responsible
- Improve public speaking and communication skills
- Learn to manage time and other resources
- Receive awards for your effort
and have FUN!
What is Botetourt 4-H Robotics?
For rising 8th to 12th Graders in Botetourt County
Botetourt 4-H Robotics is a youth-led team of members who share one common interest - a desire to learn more about STEM-related activities that include designing, programming, and constructing robots while accomplishing one or more challenges. Our robotics team also allows students to learn about the engineering process, critical thinking, business management, communication, and more.
For Boys and Girls ages 8 – 12 as of September 30th, of the current 4-H year
Provide you the opportunity to:
- Learn new skills
- Belong to a club
- Make new friends
- Gain leadership skills
- Learn to work together
- Take 4-H projects
- Participate in special 4-H programs
- Build self-confidence and a positive attitude
- Learn to set realistic goals and strive to achieve them
- Become more responsible
- Improve public speaking and communication skills
- Learn to manage time and other resources
- Receive recognition for your effort
Have FUN!
For Boys and Girls ages 9 - 19 as of September 30 of the current 4-H year &
Cloverbuds ages 5 - 8.
- Learn to care for, train, and show animals
- Learn record keeping on feed and other costs
- Participate in competitive 4-H events
- Earn ribbons and premiums for your efforts
- Complete project books
- Participate in 4-H Club Field Trips
- Make new friends while sharing a common interest
- Learn to work together
- Practice and improve your skills
- Improve public speaking and communication skills
- Learn to manage time and other resources
- Become more responsible
- Attend club meetings once a month
Disciplines offered:
- Rifle
- Shotgun
- Archery
- Air Pistol
- Outdoor Skills
For Boys and Girls ages 9 – 19 as of September 30th, of the current 4-H year
Provide you the opportunity to:
- Learn the safe handling and use of firearms and archery tackle under the competent leadership of specially trained adult volunteers.
- Increase your knowledge
- Learn new skills
- Belong to a club
- Be a club officer
- Make new friends
- Gain leadership skills
- Learn to work together
- Take 4-H projects related to Shooting Education and other topics
- Practice and improve your skills
- Participate in local, district, state and national competition matches
- Participate in 4-H Shooting Education camps and special programs
- Build self-confidence and a positive attitude
- Learn to set realistic goals and strive to achieve them
- Become more responsible
- Improve public speaking and communication skills
- Learn to manage time and other resources
- Receive awards for your effort
Have FUN!
For teens, male & female, ages 14 – 19, as of January 1 of the current year
Provide you the opportunity to:
- Learn leadership skills
- Increase your knowledge
- Learn new skills
- Belong to a club
- Be a club officer
- Make new friends
- Learn to work together/Team Building
- Take 4-H projects
- Develop positive life skills such as goal setting, critical thinking, responsibility, self-motivation, citizenship, and conflict resolution
- Participate in local, district, state and national competitions
- Participate in special 4-H programs
- Build self-confidence and a positive attitude
- Improve public speaking and communication skills
- Learn to manage time and other resources
- Receive awards for your effort
Have FUN!
Botetourt County 4-H Summer Camp
June 16 - 20, 2025 - W.E. Skelton 4-H Educational Center, Smith Mountain Lake, Wirtz VA
Registration for 4-H Camp opens Monday, March 31st, 2025!
(No registrations accepted any earlier) First come, first serve basis, space is limited.
Camp is open to Botetourt County youth ages 9 -13 as of September 30, 2025 or turn 14 in 2025.
$400.00 per camper
$200 deposit due with the registration form and the remaining balance of $200 due by Friday, May 9th or the full fee can be paid at registration.
Cost Includes:
Bus transportation, Meals, Lodging, Classes, and a 4-H Camp t-shirt
Campers Must Supply:
Sheets or Sleeping Bag, Pillow, Pillow Case, Blanket, Towels, Toiletries
Bus Transportation:
- Sign-in & Departure: Monday, June 16, 2025, 8:30 am, Lord Botetourt High School cafeteria, Daleville, VA
- Return & Sign-out: Friday, June 20, 2025, 12:00 pm, Lord Botetourt High School, Daleville, VA
Financial Aid
A limited number of Camp Scholarships are available based on need. To apply call (540) 928-3210. To be considered, scholarship applications must be completed and returned by Monday, March 24th, 2025.
Anyone that registers for 4-H Camp will receive a packet of information in the mail in April, that will have forms, class requests, and other information included.
Those forms will need to be returned to the office ASAP, as classes are assigned on a firstcome, first-serve basis with all necessary paperwork and enrollment information completed.
- Archery
- Artistic Adventures
- Canoeing
- Low Ropes
- Games & Initiatives
- Camp Tok
- Climbing
- High Ropes
- Basic Horsemanship
- Kayaking
- Riflery
- Small Animal Science
- Swimming
- Wilderness
- Survival